index - Department of Algorithms, Computation, Image and Geometry

Sous-collection du département 1: Algorithmique, calcul, image et géométrie

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Hyperelliptic curves Number field sieve Neural networks Probabilistic analysis Correct rounding Deep learning Topology Delaunay triangulations Parallel robot Floating-point arithmetic Courbes hyperelliptiques Computer vision Segmentation Voronoi diagram Grid method Computational geometry Number Field Sieve 3D printing Deconvolution Mitral valve Software Fabrication additive Meshing Logarithme discret Learning theory Image analysis Mesh untangling Classification Finite field Machine learning Image registration Sparsity Experimental mechanics Pose estimation Abelian varieties Additive manufacturing Isogénies Dominant point Fabrication Displacement Shape modeling Boomerang attack Authenticated encryption Switched systems Voronoi diagrams Theta functions Order type Global optimization Lightweight cryptography Cryptography Quantum cryptanalysis Digital geometry System identification Complexity Algorithms Object detection Regression Additive Manufacturing Vanishing points Rigid motion Kinematics Metrology Algorithm Réalité augmentée Géométrie discrète Discrete geometry Digital Image Correlation Courbes elliptiques Augmented reality Image processing 3D Printing Finite Fields Discrete logarithm Rademacher complexity Clustering Computer graphics Biomechanical simulation Checkerboard Inverted pendulum Digital image correlation Cylindrical algebraic decomposition Geometry processing Delaney-Dress tiling theory Windowed Fourier analysis Anisotropy Vision par ordinateur Finite fields Full-field measurement Function field sieve Cryptanalysis Implicit surfaces Localized spectrum analysis Piecewise affine systems Hyperbolic surface Convex relaxation Numerical simulation Cryptographie Delaunay triangulation Apprentissage profond Computing methodologies