Urban emergence in inuit territory: impacts on the Nunavik socio-ecosystem
Through the combination of interdisciplinary thematics studied on the territory of Nunavik by the OHMi Nunavik, the socio-ecosystem is considered with a focus on the urban context of northern Quebec. Since only a few decades, urbanity (in the geographical sense of the word) is a major change in Nunavik, impacting the traditional indigenous ways of life, geocultural images, food availability and sufficiency, opening new needs regarding energy self-sufficiency, and being impacted by hazards and vulnerability various situations. Therefore, we propose here a reflexive input on the recent urban development and complexity, based on the results of four research projects running since 2015-2017 within the framework of the OHMi Nunavik, Nuna, Niqiliriniq, Siqiniq and Kinngaq.
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